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Aujourd'hui, une nouvelle compétence

ITZ-LEARNING développe des parcours et des modules de formation innovants dans le cadre d’actions de formation.

  1. Formations en distancielle
  2. Formations en présentielle
  3. Formations mixtes ou blended learning
  4. Formations éligibles au cpf
  5. Formations adaptées aux personnes en situation de handicap
  6. Conseils et conceptions informatiques et digitales
Formation de qualité

Un plus pour votre entreprise

ITZ-LEARNING est une structure spécialisée dans la mise en œuvre de stratégies digitales pour la formation au sein des entreprises et des organismes de formation.

Nos formations

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Systèmes informatiques

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Bureautique et outils collaboratifs

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Digital learning

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What Students Say

Brain Minon

For YEARS I have searched for an advanced Spanish class that REALLY was advanced. This is the first one that I have found. The Advanced Spanish Media class with Magin Revillo is excellent. His method includes a variety of readings from newspapers, journals, websites.

Brain Minon
Advanced Spanish Course

Julia Mann

I have come to courses for two summers to study English. I have attended private classes with Marie Claire. The time has been invaluable, positive, fun and very educational. Marie Claire is creative, so I plan to return to my studies at Lingivca next summer if not before.

Julia Mann
General English Learning

John Adams

For YEARS I have searched for an advanced Spanish class that REALLY was advanced. This is the first one that I have found. The Advanced Spanish Media class with Magin Revillo is excellent. His method includes a variety of readings from newspapers, journals, websites.

John Adams
Advanced Spanish Course